Are you looking for an innovative and effective way to reach your fitness goals?
Calisthenics is a great form of workout that can challenge even the most experienced exercise enthusiast.
It involves performing various bodyweight exercises, such as press-ups, squats, and chin-ups, not only to help improve strength but to build muscle and keep fit at the same time.
This article will explore some of the best calisthenics exercises – specifically designed for beginners – that will help ensure you get the maximum benefit from each session.
So read on if you want to learn more about how these calisthenics exercises can help you reach your fitness goals.
Best Calisthenics Exercises
Listed below are the best calisthenics exercises that can be performed anywhere.
Let’s find out how they can be executed:
1. Bodyweight Squats

One of the best calisthenics exercises to do at home is the bodyweight squat.
Your quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and abs will get a good workout thanks to the bodyweight squats.
How To Perform Bodyweight Squats?
- To begin, place your feet about hip-width apart while standing. Set your toes in a modest outward angle.
- Next, take a deep breath in and contract your abdominal muscles to support yourself while you look ahead and stick out your chest. Your buttocks should be reaching towards the floor as you shift your weight back into your heels and push your hips back behind you.
- To squat properly, you should aim to have your thighs virtually parallel to the ground. Throughout this calisthenics exercise, maintain your feet flat on the floor and your knees over your toes.
- Keep your chest out and breathe before pushing yourself back up until standing straight to the beginning position.
2. Pistol Squats

When making a list of calisthenics exercises for beginners, make sure you don’t ignore pistol squats at all.
In comparison to the bodyweight squat, the pistol squat represents a significant advancement in complexity. In fact, it might be one of the most difficult skills to learn because it calls for an admirable amount of concentration, vertical balance, and precise form.
Aside from helping you increase your range of motion, general flexibility, and stability, this calisthenics workout is considered advanced since it helps you counteract any weakness by working on each side individually.
How To Perform Pistol Squats?
- Start by standing with your feet parallel and close together.
- The next step is to extend one leg in front of you while maintaining as much straightness as you can. Keep your leg in that hovering position as it begins to rise slightly off the ground. Also, make sure your arms are extended straight in front of you.
- Next, bend your standing leg while maintaining a tight core and a straight back. As you extend your other extremity out in front of you, your body will descend.
- As far as you can, keep bending your standing leg. You want your extended leg to be parallel to the ground.
- You should straighten your leg to get back to the starting position after reaching the proper depth. Until you reach the top, you should keep your extended leg straight. Then you can switch legs and continue the motion.
3. Burpees

Burpees are probably the finest calisthenics exercises for strength.
The burpee is an excellent full-body exercise that also provides a challenging cardiovascular challenge.
Your entire body will get a workout with each rep: shoulders, chest, legs, and abs. You'll be struggling after only a few repetitions, I guarantee you.
It's easy to see why this is one of the most reviled forms of calisthenics. Competence is required, but it's not insurmountable with practice.
How To Perform Bodyweight Burpees?
- Keep your weight on your heels and your arms by your sides while you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- It all begins with a squat, achieved by bending the knees and pressing the hips back.
- The next step is to place your hand on the floor in front of you, ideally at a spot that is slightly narrower than the distance between your feet.
- Put your hands out in front of you and spring backward with your feet. In order to minimize impact, focus on landing on the balls of your feet. Always keep a straight back while performing this exercise.
- Do a push-up, then hop your feet forward until they fall next to your hands.
- You'll immediately jump to your feet when you've completed one repetition. Depending on the burpee version, you may be required to leap with your hands raised over your head or you may be able to keep them at your sides.
4. Planks

Plank is one of the most result-oriented calisthenics exercises for beginners to do at home.
This calisthenics move primarily targets the abdominals, but it also strengthens the upper back, the pectorals, and the serratus anterior (the muscle that wraps around the side of your chest and shoulders).
How To Perform Bodyweight Planks?
- Start off by getting into a push-up position. A bit broader than shoulder-width apart, your hands should be positioned directly beneath your shoulders.
- Squeeze your glutes and abdominals to stabilize your body while in this position.
- While carrying out this movement, it's crucial to maintain alignment. Picking a position on the floor approximately a foot from your hands will help you do this.
- Aim to maintain this position for 20 seconds if you are new to calisthenics. You will be able to prolong this duration as you gain experience.
5. Push-Ups

Besides being one of the most reliable calisthenics movements and exercises, the push-up comes in countless variations that each focus on a particular aspect of upper-body strength and conditioning.
The pectoral (chest) and shoulder (deltoid) muscles, triceps, and abdominals are all worked during a typical push-up routine.
How To Perform Push-Ups?
- Simply place your hands wide enough to be just outside of your shoulders while starting off on your knees.
- The next step is to extend your legs while maintaining an upright posture with your arms extended. Your next move will be to assume a "plank" position.
- At this point, it's crucial that you contract your abdominal muscles and maintain as much straightness as you can. You must not allow your back muscles to sag or lift your buttocks.
- You must lower your body by bending your elbows close to your torso in order to complete a push-up. With your arms at a 45-degree angle, your chest should be practically parallel to the floor.
- Take a moment in the lowest position before raising your body to the beginning position.
6. Pull-Ups

If the squat strengthens your lower body, the push-up does the same for your upper. This is a great calisthenics workout for working the chest, arms, and shoulders, all of which contribute to overall strength and muscular development.
Facing the ground with a straight back and bent elbows, you rest your weight on your hands and toes for support.
How To Perform Pull-Ups?
- Face a pull-up bar while standing still to begin.
- Take an overhand hold on the bar. Your arms ought to be a little wider apart than shoulder width.
- Use your back and shoulder muscles to pull yourself up until your head is over the bar.
- To finish one repetition, go back to the starting position.
7. Chin-Ups

Chin-ups are one of the fantastic calisthenics exercises for developing upper body stamina and strength. They can also be used as a warm-up for pull-ups. To complete this exercise, all you need is a bar that is fixed at a height.
How To Perform Chin-Ups?
- Just like pull-ups, face the pull-up bar as you begin.
- You'll use an underhand grip to hold the bar. Your arms should be slightly closer together than shoulder width.
- Your head will be above the bar as you lift yourself up, utilizing your biceps and lats.
- Finally, steadily lower yourself back to the starting position to finish a repetition.
Wrapping Up
These calisthenics exercises for beginners will tone your muscles and improve your fitness.
These exercises are great for people who want to get in shape without going to the gym.
A beginner can do them at home or outdoors; they don't require special equipment. Try some of these exercises today and see how they help you achieve your fitness goals.