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6 Proven Hip Dip Workouts To Achieve Your Ideal Hourglass Figure

Having those troublesome hip dips that make fitting into certain styles of clothing difficult can be frustrating.

While genetics certainly plays a role in natural body composition, targeted exercises can help reduce the appearance of hip dips over time through muscle building in the hip region.

For those who wish to sculpt a more even silhouette through exercise, this guide will provide a hip dip focused workout plan that isolates key muscles like the gluteus medius to gradually enhance the outer curve of the hips.

By dedicating a few short sessions per week to this workout routine composed of exercises that engage the external rotators and abductors, you'll start seeing smoother contours emerge where hip dips had stood out before.

Let's get started with our curated list of workouts for hip dips:

Best Workouts To Remove The Appearance Of Hip Dips

Listed below are the best exercises to try to remove hip dips:

1.     Fire Hydrants

Fire hydrants are excellent for targeting the muscles around the hips, specifically the gluteus medius.

By lifting your knee to the side in a controlled manner, you activate and strengthen the muscles responsible for hip abduction.

This exercise contributes to sculpting and toning the outer part of the hips, minimizing the appearance of hip dips.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
  • Keep your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Lift one knee out to the side, maintaining a 90-degree angle at the hip.
  • Hold the lifted position briefly, squeezing your glutes.
  • Lower the knee back down to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

2.     Hip Bridges

Hip bridges are effective for engaging the entire gluteal region. As you lift your hips toward the ceiling, you activate and strengthen the muscles around your hips.

The elevation of the hips in this exercise helps in building firmness and shape in the buttocks area, contributing to a more rounded and fuller appearance that can reduce the prominence of hip dips.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Place your arms at your sides with palms facing down.
  • Press through your heels and lift your hips toward the ceiling, engaging your glutes.
  • Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees at the top.
  • Hold for a moment, then lower your hips back down without touching the ground.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

3.     Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are a powerful hip dip workout for targeting the inner and outer thighs and the glutes.

The wide stance and deep squatting motion engage the muscles around the hips, working to build strength and definition.

This exercise contributes to a more balanced hip area, potentially reducing the noticeable dip between the hips and creating a smoother, shapelier silhouette.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Keep your back straight and chest up.
  • Lower your body by bending your knees and hips, pushing your hips back as if sitting into a chair.
  • Go as low as comfortable, keeping your knees in line with your toes.
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps.

4.     Curtsy Lunges

Curtsy lunges are beneficial for working the muscles from various angles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and inner thighs.

By incorporating lateral movement and engaging multiple muscle groups, curtsy lunges help in toning and shaping the hips.

This can lead to increased muscle definition, potentially minimizing the appearance of hip dips and creating a more rounded hip contour.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Take a step diagonally behind and across your front leg, as if you're curtsying.
  • Bend both knees, lowering your body toward the ground.
  • Ensure your front knee is aligned with your ankle, and your back knee hovers just above the floor.
  • Push off the front foot to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

5.     Side Planks

Side planks are exceptional hip dip workouts for targeting the core and the muscles along the sides of the torso, including the hips.

By holding the body in a lateral position, you engage the muscles responsible for stability and support.

Strengthening these muscles contributes to improved hip definition and can reduce the appearance of dips by promoting overall muscle tone and strength in the hip region.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Lie on your side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder.
  • Place your top foot on the bottom foot and lift your hips to create a straight line from head to heels.
  • Keep your core engaged and hold the position.
  • Make sure your shoulder is stable, and your body doesn't sag.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

6.     Clamshell

Clamshell exercises specifically target the gluteus medius, which plays a crucial role in shaping the hips and minimizing hip dips' appearance.

By opening and closing the knee in a controlled manner, you activate the muscles responsible for hip abduction.

Regular practice of clamshells can help in building strength and firmness around the hips, contributing to a more rounded and sculpted appearance that may diminish the prominence of hip dips.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Lie on your side with your hips and knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your feet together and lift your top knee while keeping your feet in contact.
  • Open your knee as far as comfortable, feeling the contraction in your hip.
  • Lower the knee back down.
  • Repeat on the same side and then switch to the other side.


The hip dip is a common concern among many individuals and finding an effective workout routine to target this specific area can be challenging.

Thankfully, with these simple yet impactful exercises, you can sculpt and strengthen your hips and achieve the desired hourglass figure.

So go ahead and give these exercises a try - your hip dips won't stand a chance against this powerful workout.

And don’t forget to take photos along the way to track your progress and share them with us on social media using #HipDipWorkout.