Bulldog Grip – Execution, Benefits & 3 Killer Tools To Improve It - Gripzilla - The Best Grip and Forearm Strength Exercises, Arm Wrestling Tools, Hand Grippers to Improve Grip Strength

Bulldog Grip – Execution, Benefits & 3 Killer Tools To Improve It

Just think about this for a moment; you're at the gym, eyeing that barbell like a champ, but your grip feels about as solid as a wet noodle. Not cool, right?

Well, enter the Bulldog Grip – your new best friend in the world of strength training.

Get ready to learn how to turn your wimpy grip into a powerhouse with the Bulldog Grip.

We're talking easy-peasy tips to help you crush those weights and own your workouts like a boss:

What is A Bulldog Grip?

A Bulldog Grip is a type of grip used in weightlifting and strength training. It's commonly used in exercises like deadlifts, where a secure grip on the barbell is essential.

The Bulldog Grip involves gripping the bar with your fingers and thumbs wrapped around the bar, but instead of wrapping the thumbs around the fingers (like in a traditional grip), the thumbs are placed alongside the fingers.

This grip can help reduce stress on the wrists and increase grip strength, allowing lifters to handle heavier weights more comfortably.

It's especially useful for individuals who struggle with grip strength or those recovering from wrist injuries.

How to Perform the Bulldog Grip?

Sure, here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform the Bulldog Grip:

  • Stand in front of the barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. Ensure that the bar is positioned over the middle of your feet.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend at the hips and knees to lower your body and grasp the barbell with your hands. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Instead of wrapping your thumbs around the barbell like in a traditional grip, place your thumbs alongside your fingers. Your fingers should wrap around the barbell securely.
  • Squeeze the barbell tightly with your fingers and thumbs. Ensure that your grip is firm and secure.
  • Tighten your core muscles to stabilize your spine and maintain proper alignment throughout the lift.
  • With your Bulldog Grip secured and your core engaged, drive through your heels and lift the barbell off the ground. Keep your back straight and your chest up as you lift.
  • Once you have fully lifted the barbell, stand tall and straight with your shoulders pulled back. Hold the barbell at the top of the lift for a moment before slowly lowering it back down to the ground with control.

Benefits of the Bulldog Grip

The Bulldog Grip offers several benefits for weightlifters and strength trainers:

1.     Increased Grip Strength

The Bulldog Grip places greater emphasis on finger strength and forearm muscles compared to a traditional grip.

This can help improve overall grip strength, which is essential for lifting heavier weights and performing exercises such as deadlifts, rows, and pull-ups.

2.     Reduced Wrist Strain

Unlike a traditional grip where the thumbs wrap around the fingers, the Bulldog Grip positions the thumbs alongside the fingers.

This can help alleviate stress on the wrists by allowing for a more natural alignment of the hand and wrist during lifting movements.

3.     Enhanced Bar Control

The Bulldog Grip provides a more secure hold on the barbell, which can improve stability and control during lifts.

This can be especially beneficial when performing exercises that require a strong grip to prevent the barbell from slipping or rotating, such as heavy deadlifts or farmer's walks.

4.     Decreased Risk Of Injury

By strengthening the grip and reducing strain on the wrists, the Bulldog Grip may help decrease the risk of injuries such as wrist sprains or strains during weightlifting exercises.

Additionally, the increased control and stability offered by this grip technique can help minimize the risk of dropping or losing control of the barbell.

5.     Versatility

The Bulldog Grip can be used in a variety of exercises beyond just deadlifts, including rows, pull-ups, and shrugs.

Its versatility makes it a valuable grip variation for improving grip strength and performance across multiple lifts and movements.

How to Apply the Bulldog Grip?

Applying the Bulldog Grip is relatively straightforward and can be done in a few simple steps:

Select the exercise: Choose an exercise that requires a secure grip on the barbell or other equipment. The Bulldog Grip is commonly used for exercises such as deadlifts, rows, pull-ups, and shrugs.

  • Position yourself: Stand in front of the barbell or grab the handles of the equipment you'll be using. Ensure that your feet are positioned shoulder-width apart and that you're in a stable stance.
  • Grip the bar: Instead of wrapping your thumbs around the bar or handles as you would with a traditional grip, position your thumbs alongside your fingers. Your fingers should wrap around the barbell or handles securely.
  • Squeeze and stabilize: Squeeze the barbell or handles tightly with your fingers and thumbs to create a secure grip. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body and maintain proper form throughout the exercise.
  • Perform the exercise: With the Bulldog Grip applied and your body stabilized, proceed with the exercise as usual. Lift or pull the weight using the appropriate technique, focusing on maintaining a strong grip and proper form throughout the movement.
  • Monitor your grip: Pay attention to how your grip feels throughout the exercise. If you notice any slipping or discomfort, adjust your grip as needed to ensure a secure hold on the barbell or handles.
  • Complete the set: Perform the desired number of repetitions or time for the exercise while maintaining the Bulldog Grip. Focus on controlling the weight and maintaining proper form to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Release the grip: Once you've completed the set, carefully release your grip on the barbell or handles. Take a moment to rest and recover before proceeding with additional sets or exercises.

Best Tools To Perfect Your Bulldog Grip

Let’s take a look at some low-cost tools that will help make your bulldog grip stronger:

1. Hand Gripper

Hand gripper is like a small gadget you hold in your hand and squeeze to make your grip stronger.

It's perfect for starting out because it's not too hard to squeeze, but it still gives your muscles a good workout. As you get stronger, you can switch to stronger grippers.

2. Gripzilla Tornado

The Gripzilla Tornado is a special tool that helps you focus on making your Bulldog Grip stronger.

It's made to fit comfortably in your hand and has different levels of resistance, so you can choose the one that matches how strong you are.

Its design helps you use the right technique, stand tall, and move your arms in a way that really works your forearm muscles.

3. Gripzilla Dynamo

This is another handy tool for improving your Bulldog Grip.

What's cool about the Gripzilla Dynamo is that you can change how hard it is to squeeze, so it's just right for you. Plus, you can adjust how you hold it to target different muscles in your hands and forearms.

It can spin both ways, which means it works all around your forearm muscles, helping them get stronger and more balanced.


With this bulldog grip up your sleeve, you'll be unstoppable in the gym.

No more slipping and sliding – just pure, unadulterated grip strength.

Stay strong, stay fierce, and keep on gripping like there's no tomorrow.