Calisthenics is a great form of exercise that has been around for centuries and has been proven to be beneficial in many ways.
Not only will it help you become stronger and fitter, but it will also improve your endurance, agility, balance, coordination, and flexibility.
With consistent practice of bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips etc., calisthenics can lead to significant health benefits like improved muscle tone and weight loss.
Whether you’re looking to increase strength or just want an effective workout with no special equipment required – Calisthenics may very well be the answer for you!
In this blog post, we'll look at how calisthenics works with its simple yet highly effective moves targeting different body parts.
Let’s get going:
What Is Calisthenics?
Calisthenics is a sort of exercise/workout that relies primarily or exclusively on a person's body weight.
Large muscle groups are worked during the workouts, such as push-ups. People normally carry out these activities at a moderate pace. They aid in enhancing strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Calisthenics has been practiced since the time of Ancient Greece. No matter how athletic they are, most people can do these exercises. Many of them don't call for special tools.
Calisthenics Vs. Weight: What Is The Difference?
Exercises involving the use of weights or the lifting of heavy objects are usually self-explanatory. Strength training with weights is a form of resistance training. Free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, and weight machines are useful for weight training. Muscles adapt to the strain of these weights and gain strength as a result.
But with calisthenics, you won't find any dumbbells or barbells. Calisthenics is a type of bodyweight workout in which the participant uses their bodyweight as resistance. Calisthenics, on the other hand, dates back to the late 19th and early 20th century, well before the rise in popularity of weightlifting.
Calisthenics For Beginners
Are you in search of some best calisthenics exercises for beginners? If so, here are the top few of them that anyone can do:
1. Jumping Squats

Jumping squats, which can be performed using only your body weight or with a resistance band around your thighs to increase the difficulty, are a basic yet powerful calisthenics workout for beginners at home.
How To Perform Jumping Squats?
Standing straight and with your feet parallel and directly beneath your shoulders, face ahead.
With your toes pointing slightly outside, space your feet a few inches apart.
As you lower yourself into the squat, bend your knees and bring your hips back and down.
Keep your head and look ahead, and keep your chest high.
Squat as deeply as possible before exploding into a jump with force.
2. Dips

Another great calisthenics exercises that almost everyone can perform is the dips.
How To Perform Dips?
Use your arms and shoulders to pull yourself off the ground while standing inside a dip bar.
Use your triceps to raise and lower yourself by bending your elbows back.
Special Note: If you don't have a dip bar, you can still do dips by keeping your feet on the floor and bending your knees at a 90-degree angle.
3. Push-Ups

Push-ups can be done on the knees, while standing with your hands up against a wall, and eventually on the toes. This is the most recommended calisthenics exercise that is excellent for strengthening the upper body and core.
How To Perform Push-Ups?
Get down on your knees and position your hands just outside but underneath your shoulders.
Set yourself up in the "plank" position by extending your legs and supporting your body with your arms.
Avoid letting your back slump or your bottom poke up into the air.
Your chest should almost touch the floor as you lower your body by bending your elbows close to your body.
As your upper torso is at the lower push-up position, your upper arms should form a 45-degree angle.
When you are in the lower position, pause and swiftly push yourself back to the beginning position.
Throughout the entire action, keep your core, or abdominal region, flexed.
4. Pull-Ups

Because pull-ups are difficult, if you're a beginner, you may perfect your technique by supporting your bodyweight with a resistance band.
How To Perform Pull-Ups?
Stand before a bar for the workout.
Grab the bar from the top with your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Bring your head above the bar by pulling up with your shoulders.
5. Burpees

Burpees are a fantastic high-intensity calisthenics exercise that trains several muscle groups at once, making them a wonderful beginner’s workout for developing muscular endurance and overall body strength.
How To Perform Burpees?
Keep your weight in your heels and your arms at your sides as you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing forward.
As you lower into a squat, push your hips back while bending your knees.
Place your hands palms down on the ground in front of you, a little closer together than where you will be keeping your feet.
With your body in a straight plank position, shift your weight into your hands and hop your feet back, landing softly on the balls of your feet.
Avoid letting your back slump or your bottom poke up into the air.
Step forward with your feet, so they touch down next to your hands.
Jump into the air with your arms raised over your head.
Wrapping Up
Calisthenics is a great way to get in shape. It's simple, can be done anywhere, and doesn't require any equipment.
Plus, it's an excellent way to improve your strength, flexibility, and coordination.
So, what are you waiting for? Give calisthenics a try today!