5 Must-Have Arm Strength Equipment For Your Gym & Home Workouts - Gripzilla - The Best Grip and Forearm Strength Exercises, Arm Wrestling Tools, Hand Grippers to Improve Grip Strength

5 Must-Have Arm Strength Equipment For Your Gym & Home Workouts

Looking to improve your arm strength? Find top-rated arm strength equipment for easy, quick, and effective workouts at home or the gym.

Arm strength isn’t just about looking toned; it’s about daily function and power.

Think about all the tasks that require arm strength—everything from picking up your kids to holding that heavy bag of groceries.

Strengthening your arms can transform the way you handle everyday life, and the right equipment makes all the difference.

If you’re looking to get stronger for sports or just want more control in your daily tasks, arm strength equipment can be what you need to get the job done:

Best arm strengthening equipment

Here are our best picks when it comes to the best equipment for arm workout:

1.     Gripzilla Tornado

The Gripzilla Tornado is perfect for building strong arms and forearms. It lets you adjust the resistance, so whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, you can tailor it to your strength.

The movement is simple but effective—just curl it towards your chest while flexing your wrists and forearms.

With the Tornado, you can switch up hand positions to target different muscles, making it a versatile tool for anyone looking to improve arm strength.

Exercise Guide: 

How to do it?

  • Hold the Gripzilla Tornado with the roller facing down.
  • Set the resistance to match your strength level.
  • Stand tall and stretch your arms out.
  • Curl the Tornado up towards your chest.
  • Flex your wrists and smoothly tighten your forearms.
  • Try different hand positions to change up your workout.

2.    Gripzilla Dynamo

Gripzilla Dynamo - Wrist Roll Forearm Builder - Gripzilla - The Best Grip and Forearm Strength Exercises, Arm Wrestling Tools, Hand Grippers to Improve Grip Strength

The Gripzilla Dynamo is a great choice if you are in search of best arm strength equipment at home.

You can easily adjust the resistance and choose different hand positions, like horizontal or vertical, to change the way your muscles work.

The rotating motion challenges your forearms in both directions, making this a smart investment for anyone serious about building grip and forearm strength.

It’s also beginner-friendly and allows you to gradually increase resistance as you grow stronger.

How to do it?

  • Use the knobs to adjust the resistance on the Gripzilla Dynamo.
  • Set the resistance based on your fitness goals.
  • Pick a hand position—horizontal, vertical, or at a 45-degree angle.
  • Rotate the Dynamo both ways to work your forearm muscles.
  • Personalize your workout with different moves.
  • Start easy and increase resistance as you get stronger.

3.     Gripzilla Spinster

Gripzilla Spinster - Gripzilla - The Best Grip and Forearm Strength Exercises, Arm Wrestling Tools, Hand Grippers to Improve Grip Strength

The Gripzilla Spinster offers an intense forearm workout by combining twisting motions with added weight.

You can easily attach a weight that fits your strength level and work both hands through full wrist and forearm rotations.

The Spinster helps you improve control, strength, and endurance in your arms.

By moving slowly and deliberately, you maximize each twist, making this a highly effective tool for building arm power.

How to do it?

  • Attach a weight to the Gripzilla Spinster using the provided cable.
  • Make sure the weight suits your strength level.
  • Grip the Spinster with both hands, holding it securely by the handles.
  • Twist the Spinster in a steady, controlled motion.
  • Rotate your wrists and forearms through the full range of motion.
  • Move slowly and steadily to get the most out of each twist.
  • Do the twisting motion for a set number of reps or time.

4.     Gripzilla Armwrestling Handle

GRIPZILLA Armwrestling Handle Cable Dumbell Attachment Grip Kit (PAIR) - Gripzilla - The Best Grip and Forearm Strength Exercises, Arm Wrestling Tools, Hand Grippers to Improve Grip Strength

The Gripzilla Armwrestling Handle is a unique tool for anyone who wants to improve their arm wrestling skills or simply boost forearm and wrist strength.

It attaches easily to a cable machine or dumbbell, and allows you to perform movements that mimic real arm wrestling.

You can rotate your wrist, flex it inward, and move it laterally, which targets multiple muscles at once. This tool not only strengthens your arms but also improves wrist flexibility and grip.

How to do it?

  • Attach the Gripzilla Armwrestling Handle securely to a cable machine or dumbbell.
  • Set a weight that's comfortable for your strength level.
  • Hold the handle firmly with your hand in a comfortable position.
  • Curl your wrist inward towards your forearm.
  • Move your hand side-to-side, mimicking arm wrestling movements.
  • Rotate your wrist in circles to work your rotational muscles.
  • Extend your wrist outwards and move your hand the opposite way.

5.     Hand Gripper

The hand gripper is a classic arm strengthening equipment for building hand and forearm strength.

It’s easy to use and portable, making it a convenient option for quick workouts. You simply squeeze the gripper, hold it for a few seconds, and repeat.

Hand grippers are simple, effective, and perfect for anyone looking to improve their grip strength.

How to do it?

  • Choose a hand gripper with a resistance that fits your strength.
  • Place the gripper in your hand, fingers wrapped around one handle, palm pressing the other.
  • Make sure your thumb is on one side and fingers on the other.
  • Squeeze the handles together as tightly as possible.
  • Hold the gripper closed for a few seconds, then release slowly.
  • Do several reps and switch hands to work both sides evenly.


Imagine not struggling to carry heavy items or feeling the burn in your arms after simple tasks.

With the right arm strength equipment, that can be your reality. Strengthening your arms isn’t just about hitting the gym; it’s about making daily life easier and more powerful.

So, why not start now?

The stronger your arms get, the more you’ll notice how much smoother your day becomes.

Ready to take control and make every lift and grip feel effortless?